EMC China Lab

What is IECEE CB Certification?

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Update time : 2024-10-21

With the continuous growth of China's manufacturing industry,  

electronic devices are reaching markets worldwide.  

However, each country has different market access regulations.  

To enter these markets, most electrical products must meet various regulatory standards,  

which can be very tedious and difficult.  

Nevertheless, there is a convenient and effective way to overcome these trade barriers,  

the IECEE CB certification, known as the “universal key” to breaking down trade barriers.


What is IECEE CB Certification?(图1)

What is CB Certification?

The CB system (IECEE system for conformity testing and certification of electrical products) is an international system operated by IECEE, the abbreviation for the International Electrotechnical Commission's system for conformity testing and certification of electrical products. Certification bodies from IECEE member countries test the safety performance of electrical products based on IEC standards. The test results, the CB test report and CB test certificate, are mutually recognized by IECEE member countries. The purpose is to reduce international trade barriers caused by having to meet different national certification or approval standards.


Advantages of CB Certification

⭕ Convert to Foreign Certification Certificates  

If you have obtained a CB test certificate and CB test report, you can directly apply for certification in other countries. The certification body in the destination country will review the CB test certificate and report (including reports of national differences). If the review is satisfactory, you can obtain the certification without additional tests under the destination country's regulations.


Therefore, certification applications based on the CB test certificate and report will be prioritized over other applications, reducing processing time and application fees.


⭕ Convert to Chinese National Certification Certificates  

Based on the CB test report and differential testing, a Chinese national product certification report can be issued to obtain compulsory or other voluntary certification for electrical products in China.


⭕ Direct Recognition or Approval by Other Countries  

With a CB test certificate and report, products can be directly exported to certain countries.


⭕ Save Costs and Time  

Before applying for foreign certification, if a CB test certificate is applied for in China, costs can be significantly reduced because the tests are conducted at a domestic CB testing laboratory. The turnaround time for sample delivery and document submission is also reduced, allowing Chinese companies to obtain CB test certificates more quickly.


⭕ Increase Product Testing Success Rate  

If a company has already obtained a CB test certificate, when applying for other countries’ certifications, all or most CB test results are recognized. This eliminates or reduces the need for additional sample testing, saving time and costs. More importantly, products that have passed CB tests in China are more likely to pass differential tests in other countries.


Member Countries of the CB Certification System

The CB system currently includes 54 member countries, covering major global economies, with a total of 92 National Certification Bodies (NCBs).  

(China, Australia, South Korea, Japan, Germany, France, UK, USA, Brazil, Mexico, UAE, Saudi Arabia, etc.)


### How to Apply for CB Certification

When applying for a CB test certificate, keep the following points in mind:  

- The application can be submitted by the applicant to any NCB that covers the product scope.  

- The applicant can be the manufacturer or an entity authorized to represent the manufacturer.  

- The application can include one or more factories producing the product in one or more countries.  

- Applicants in countries without IECEE member bodies need to pay an additional fee of 150 Swiss Francs for each CB test certificate, compensating for the system's operation costs. This fee is collected by the accepting NCB and transferred to the IECEE account.  

- Applicants may request the NCB to test the product for national differences based on the target market.  


To obtain product certification in the target market, manufacturers must:  

- Submit an application to the NCB of the target country;  

- Provide the CB test certificate;  

- Submit the CB test report (including national differences);  

- Provide product samples when requested by the target market’s NCB to verify that the product matches the one initially tested by the issuing NCB and meets national differences.


National Differences

National differences refer to the differences between a country's standards or regulations and the corresponding international standards. All national differences in CB member countries are submitted to the IECEE Secretariat and published in the CB Bulletin.


Common CB Certification Testing Standards

- IEC60950 standard: for mobile power supplies, wireless chargers, headphones, data cables;  

- IEC62133 standard: for battery packs, batteries, cells;  

- IEC62368 standard: for audio, video, and information technology products.


CB Certification Labeling Requirements

Currently, there are no mandatory labeling requirements for CB certification. However, consumer electronics applying for CB certification must meet the labeling requirements of the applicable IEC standards.  

IECEE has also issued guidelines for the use of the IECEE logo, allowing manufacturers with CB certification to use the IECEE logo on websites and brochures but not on products or packaging.  

As shown below, the IECEE logo must consist of two parts: it should display the IECEE brand and indicate the relationship between IECEE and IEC.


Differences Between CB Certification and CE Certification

CB Certification  

CB certification is only for sample testing. When converting to foreign certification marks, factory inspections are required. The CB certificate is valid only when presented together with the CB test report. When applying for a CB certificate, applicants should inform the issuing body of the target export countries/regions to arrange differential tests in time and avoid delays or additional costs when applying for foreign certification. CB certification applies to CB system member countries, covering developed and most developing countries worldwide.


CE Certification  

The CE mark applies to 28 European countries. CB certification only covers safety requirements. Even if CB certification includes European differences, if the product is covered by other European directives (such as electromagnetic compatibility EMC, machinery directives, etc.), CB certification cannot indicate compliance with the CE mark requirements. It only indicates compliance with the Low Voltage Directive (LVD) of the CE mark. Therefore, additional EMC and other tests are required before the CE mark can be affixed.


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