There are two types of FCC certifications: fcc sdoc Certification and fcc id Certification. Which products require FCC SDOC Certification and which need FCC ID Certification? What are the costs associated with each? Below, we detail the prices of FCC certification based on product categories.
1. AV, IT, Lighting, Small Appliances, Keyboards, Headphones, Night Lights, Electric Fans, Street Lamps, Speakers, etc.
These products typically require FCC SDOC Certification. The cost for this type of certification is relatively lower, ranging from approximately $700 to $1,000.
2. Wireless Products
Wireless products are generally more complex and are categorized based on their frequencies as follows:
- Transmission Frequency: 125KHz, 13.5MHz
Typical Products: Door access card readers, public transport card readers
- Transmission Frequency: 27MHz, 49MHz
Typical Products: Remote control toys, wireless mice, non-professional walkie-talkies
- Transmission Frequency: 315MHz, 433MHz (intermittent, periodic products; remote control toys are prohibited)
Typical Products: Remote control switches, wireless doorbells, anti-theft devices, baby monitors
- Transmission Frequency: 88-108MHz
Typical Products: FM radios
- Frequency: 902-928MHz, 2400-2483.5MHz, 5725-5850MHz
Typical Products: Remote control toys, wireless mice, Bluetooth devices, WiFi devices
These wireless communication products require FCC ID Certification, which is more expensive. The costs vary depending on the frequency band, ranging from $1,100 to $3,000.
Failure to obtain these certifications can result in products being pulled from shelves at best, and facing hefty fines at worst.
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