EMC China Lab

How Much is the Registration Fee for German WEEE?

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Update time : 2024-08-08

Recently, Amazon has sent emails reminding sellers to check if their German WEEE registration number has expired or become invalid. If your WEEE registration number is flagged as expired or invalid, please resubmit a valid registration number within 30 days of receiving the email. If sellers do not provide a valid German WEEE registration number within 30 days of receiving the email, their products will be removed from Amazon Germany.


If sellers find that their WEEE registration number is marked as expired or invalid, please contact JJR Xinyu Environmental to obtain a German WEEE registration number and submit the valid number on the compliance portal.

 How Much is the Registration Fee for German WEEE?(图1)

What is German WEEE?

WEEE stands for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment. The EU enacted the WEEE Directive (Directive 2002/96/EC) in 2002 to protect the environment and improve the recycling rate of waste electrical and electronic equipment. It requires sellers to manage and recycle their sold waste electrical and electronic products. Germany has introduced ElektroG to regulate the registration, reporting, and recycling of used electrical equipment within Germany.


Which Categories Require German WEEE Registration?

According to EU regulations, all cross-border sellers selling electrical and electronic products on e-commerce platforms to Germany, whether self-fulfilled or FBA sellers, must register for German WEEE.


The German WEEE Directive covers a wide range of products, categorized into six main groups:

1. Heat exchangers;

2. Displays for private households;

3. Lamps/gas discharge lamps;

4. Large electronic devices (over 50 cm);

5. Small electronic and electrical devices;

6. Small IT and telecommunications devices;


*If you are a Chinese cross-border seller, most products fall under category 5. However, there are exceptions, such as power banks with USB cables, which need to be registered under two categories: the power bank falls under category 5, while the USB cable falls under category 6.*

 How Much is the Registration Fee for German WEEE?(图2)

How Should Sellers Complete Compliance if the Registration Number is Abnormal?

✔ For Sellers Who Have Completed German WEEE Registration:

Log in to the seller platform and submit the WEEE registration number in the backend.


✘ For Sellers Who Have Not Registered for German WEEE:

Step 1: Obtain Registration Number

Contact JJR to register for German WEEE: Complete the WEEE registration process and obtain the registration number. After receiving the number, the seller should upload it to the Amazon compliance portal and wait for verification. Sellers need to pay the necessary environmental fees to the relevant producer responsibility organizations.


Step 2: Regular Reporting

Accurately report the sales volume of products under the WEEE product categories to the designated producer responsibility organization during each reporting period.


Step 3: Fulfill Lifecycle Responsibility

According to the latest Electrical and Electronic Equipment Law, manufacturers must be responsible for their products throughout their entire market lifecycle. In addition to completing WEEE registration, manufacturers must also comply with labeling obligations, such as prominently marking the waste bin symbol on products or packaging.

 How Much is the Registration Fee for German WEEE?(图3)

Key Points for Registration

1. Timely Renewal

German WEEE registration is billed annually. Regardless of the registration date, you must pay for the full year, with expiration on December 31 each year. Sellers must contact their service provider to complete the renewal before the registration number expires.


2. Registration Validity

The registration process for German WEEE can be complex, and the processing time may be longer during peak periods at the end of the year or due to non-compliant applications. If you cannot upload the German WEEE registration number to the e-commerce platform on time, your products will be removed, resulting in unnecessary economic losses.


3. Agent Transfer Restrictions

German WEEE operates under an authorized representative EPR service. Each company can only apply for one registration number and can only bind one authorized representative. Once registered, it is not easy to change the agent, which may affect the flexibility of future services. Sellers should choose a professional and reliable compliance authorized representative for German WEEE registration to avoid unnecessary complications.


How Much is the German WEEE Registration Fee?

JJR Laboratory provides German WEEE registration services. Our WEEE registration fees range from $860 to $1200. You can send us your product specifications, and we will provide you with a quote within 2 hours. We are also an IEC 17025 accredited laboratory.


JJR Reminder:

Currently, besides Amazon, platforms like AliExpress, TEMU, eBay, and others also require sellers to register and report German WEEE and are implementing comprehensive control measures for electronic and electrical products sold to Germany. It is advisable for relevant sellers to conduct early compliance self-checks, complete backend filings promptly, and ensure that products meet the relevant regulatory requirements.


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