The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is an independent government agency directly responsible to the United States Congress. Established by the Communications Act of 1934, it regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable in the US, its states, the District of Columbia, and US territories. FCC certification ensures the safety of radio and wire communication products related to life and property. Radio, communication, and digital products must receive FCC approval before entering the US market. FCC certification is mandatory in the United States.
FCC-ID certification is a type of FCC certification specifically for wireless products. Products with wireless signal transmission and reception functions must apply for FCC-ID certification to be sold in the US market.
1. For non-wireless general products, FCC-SDoC certification costs approximately $500-$900, with a processing time of 10-15 working days.
2. For wireless products like mobile phones, wireless remote controls, Bluetooth speakers, and tablets, FCC-ID certification costs over $1,200 and takes about 4 weeks.
FCC-ID certification is valid indefinitely as long as the product standards remain unchanged.
FCC-ID = Grantee Code + Product Code. In simple terms, the FCC-ID application consists of two main parts: company certification and product certification.
(A) Company Certification:
Company certification involves applying for a Grantee Code, a unique set of numbers assigned by the US authorities. The Grantee Code, similar to an identification code, is automatically generated by the system and is required for FCC-ID wireless certification. The Grantee Code application and product certification can be done simultaneously to save time.
(B) Product Certification:
1. Technical Documentation:
- FCC-ID Application Form: To be filled as required.
- Block Diagram: In English, showing all oscillators and frequencies, consistent with the circuit diagram (schematic).
- Schematic: In English.
- PCB Layout: Top and bottom layer layouts, consistent with the block diagram in terms of oscillators' frequency, quantity, and location.
- RF Circuit Operational Description: In English, clearly describing the product's functionality.
- User Manual: In English, with appropriate warnings.
- Label and Location Diagram: Label must include the FCC ID number and statement, placed prominently.
- Antenna Gain Test Report: In English, including antenna name, model, manufacturer information, specifications, size diagram, radiation patterns at different frequencies, and peak and average gain values.
- Model Difference Table (if needed).
- Fixed Frequency Software and Operational Description.
2. Sample Units:
Samples for shipment and fixed frequency.
The FCC imposes severe penalties on non-compliant products, often enough to bankrupt violators. Hence, few dare to flout these regulations. Penalties for non-compliant product sellers include:
1. Confiscation of all non-compliant products.
2. Fines of $100,000-$200,000 to individuals or organizations.
3. Fines equal to double the total revenue from the sale of non-compliant products.
4. Daily fines of $10,000 for each day of violation.
24-hour online customer service at any time to respond, so that you worry!